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Land North of Iver Station

New Facilities for Iver Station

 We intend to deliver a new 300-space car park for Iver Station, and to fund the construction of a new northern entrance / exit.


There is currently no off-street public parking for Iver Station, and the recent implementation of a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) has further constrained its use. Community surveys have identified a clear need and wish for a dedicated station car park, which is further supported by the Ivers Neighbourhood Plan.

 A new car park, northern entrance & extended footbridge for Iver Station

Therefore, we intend providing a 300-space car park for Iver Station on the northern side of the railway, which should go a long way to alleviate the current traffic and parking problems in Richings Park associated with the station. Subject to the approval of the additional data centre development, we will deliver the car park ourselves, to provide this facility long before the residential development is completed.

In addition, we intend to fund the construction of a new station entrance / exit on the northern side of the railway, with the existing station footbridge extended to connect with the new station building. This would include cycle parking, disabled parking and drop-off / pick-up points for cars (including taxis).

 Proposed new station building

The landowner is prepared to commit to the funding of the proposed station car park and the station extension (which will be implemented in conjunction with Network Rail) once the second data centre is approved.

Contact Us

If you have any queries, please contact Edward Poynton of SP Broadway on
07377 659 928 or at edward@spbroadway.com