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Land North of Iver Station

A New Neighbourhood

 We are proposing a new neighbourhood of approximately 700 homes, alongside a primary school, space for shops, offices and community uses such as a doctors’ surgery, and a hotel.


The Ivers Neighbourhood Plan allocates the land north of Iver Station for the development of ‘a new northern half of Richings Park village’, recognising that the site’s position next to the station makes it a highly sustainable location for the provision of new homes and other facilities.

We are therefore proposing the creation of approximately 700 new homes, delivered as a mix of houses and apartments in a range of tenures including a proportion of affordable housing. We are also proposing that a new primary school be provided in the northern part of the new neighbourhood to serve the new homes, subject to the agreement of Buckinghamshire Council.

A new neighbourhood in the eastern half of the site

Adjacent to the new northern entrance / exit for Iver Station, 6,000 sqm of mixed-use space will be created for homes as well as shops, offices and other community uses. This could include space for a doctors’ surgery subject to the agreement of the local NHS. A 120-bed hotel will also be built in the south-eastern corner of the site.

The density of development proposed will vary across the site. We are proposing that the area of highest density should be the mixed-use area nearest the new northern entrance / exit for Iver Station, where some buildings of up to 8 or 9 storeys could be created.

Contact Us

If you have any queries, please contact Edward Poynton of SP Broadway on
07377 659 928 or at edward@spbroadway.com