Land North of Iver Station
Additional Data Centre
We have submitted a planning application for an additional data centre development in the western part of the site, directly adjacent to the data centre development consented in 2024.
A data centre is a secure facility that houses a large amount of IT infrastructure in one centralised location, designed to meet the growing demand for data as internet use and homeworking increase in the coming years.
An additional data centre development (right), directly adjacent to the data centre consented in 2024 (left)
This facility will comprise approximately 100,000 sqm of data centre floorspace, which we expect would be delivered as three data centre buildings aligned horizontally, with office facilities and car parking at the eastern end of each building and backup generator gantries at the western end.
This additional data centre will use up the remaining brownfield part of the site, bringing about the total closure of Thorney Business Park and the removal of all associated HGV traffic that currently uses the site. A 2020 survey (prior to Covid-19 and lockdown) recorded over 1,100 HGV movements to and from the Business Park on an average weekday.
The additional benefits of data centres include creation of high-skilled jobs, significant business rates, and clean, quiet facilities that generate a very low level of HGV traffic.
A planning application for the additional data centre was submitted in December 2024 and can now be viewed on the Buckinghamshire Council website. The reference number for this application is PL/24/3532/OA.
Contact Us
If you have any queries, please contact Adam Robinson of SP Broadway on
07711 262925 or at